I met an amazing man just before the pandemic hit. He seemed to have all of the qualities that I he was looking for on my Mister Right list. Great personality, educated, kind and generous. He even hit it off with my friends and family. We decided to be exclusive.
About 2 months into our relationship he shared that he had a medical condition and would be needing to get an operation. His doctor's office is in Olympia, (close to his parents home). He would be staying there for a week while he recovers. This is also where his ex-wife and child lives. Since the operation is 2 hours away, I suggested that changes doctors for convenience and he accused me of being insecure. He told me that he woudl have to say in network.

As of today, I haven't seen him in a month. We talk everyday but he keeps on telling me that his healing is taking longer than expected. Snooping around on social media I found out he has another instagram account. This secret page happened to like one of his old photos on his business account. This page is public and it shows him looking healthy and well posting almost daily. There are no pictures of surgery or another woman. There are plenty of pictures of him with his son. I am confused. Did he just want a break? Should I just end things and move on with my life? I am 34 and he's 42. Please help, - Alone in Washington ( 34)